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Flash Mob in Hiroshima!
December 8th! 

As a part of JunJun’s performance project in Hiroshima, JunJun and Flash mob team successfully completed the mission in Berlin. Performed at Alexsander Platz and Tempelhofer Feld, a great picture from Berlin is now ready to be shown!

JunJun will do the same Flash mob in Hiroshima on 7th/8th December with more than 60 participants and all filmed material will be shown in a theatre together with actual performance in January 2014 in Hiroshima.


Behind the scene

When I was asked to do Flash mob by the producer of this project, immediately I thought that I would like to associate Hiroshima and Fukushima. Because Hiroshima has an atomic bomb history, people are very conscious about radioactivity issues in Japan, but at the same time they are very sensitive about saying it loud. Here in Berlin, people are very conscious about radioactivity due to the history of Chernobyl and I remember there were so many demonstrations against nuclear power after the catastrophe in Tohoku in 2011.That is why I would like to do same Flash mob in Berlin and Hiroshima...Bring the power of the people to Japan!

So this will be my protest towards the situation in Japan, however, still I would like to do Flash mob as an exciting event because I think the most important thing is that people come together and do something together.         

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